Our new show is a hit in Chicago!
"On a whole different level. Strikingly intense. Your attention, I guarantee, will not wander for a moment. PigPen has greatly matured." - Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune
There are only a handful of tickets left for certain performances.
Click here to get yours now.
Our new musical folktale, "The Hunter and The Bear", has world premiered at Writers Theatre in Chicago and we are truly blown away by the response. Thank you to every person who has supported this show on its decade long journey to the stage. Thank you to the incredible Chicago audiences for the insightful talk backs and lobby chats. Telling this story has been one of the great privileges of our time together as a company.
"Mining new emotional depths. Goes to admirably darker and scarier places in its storytelling. You shouldn’t miss the chance to see this." - Kris Vire, Time Out Chicago, #10 Best Play of 2016
"A tragic psychological thriller. An enthralling, ingeniously spun tale. This richly theatrical ballad ... easily taps into a deep vein of American life." - Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun Times
"Simple, superb storytelling. Honest, unvarnished performances. An emotional whimsically absorbing tale.” - Daily Herald
"A ghost story like no other. One of the best theatre productions of 2016. It’s really that simple.” - Buzz News Chicago
"The highlight of my theater going experience this year. This entire team of creators consists of the smartest and most innovative talent the theater world has to offer." - PerformInk
"At home within an American literary tradition stretching from Melville’s 'Moby-Dick' through Faulkner, Toni Morrison and Cormac McCarthy.” - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
"Truly remarkable. Moments are so spellbinding that the audience was almost too enthralled to breathe. This is an absolute must-see." - Splash Magazines
"A masterwork of creativity... that will chill theatergoers to the bone." - Chicago Theatre Review
"An engrossing work of complexly ingenious folk, mythological storytelling enriched by terrific folk music and smart staging. One of the best shows of the year!" - Chicago Critic
We could think of nothing better than to be telling a ghost story by a campfire in the dead of winter in Chicago. Enjoy the show.
With love,
Photos by Michael Brosilow and Lydia Fine